We are thrilled to partner with Tennessee Soccer Association and Soccer Parenting for a club-wide competition aimed at improving gameday experiences through a 15-minute course called Supportive Sidelines. The Tennessee State Soccer Association clubs with the highest percentage of parents completing this course will win fantastic prizes! The competition starts now and runs through October 30th.

"We sincerely encourage all parents to participate and help make us a leader in promoting positive sideline behavior!"

How to Participate

  1. Go to https://leader.thesidelineproject.com/Tennessee/#/
  2. Fill out the registration form, select Midsouth Futbol as your club, and click Take the Course.
  3. After completing, your first name and Midsouth Futbol will be displayed on the Pledge Wall at the bottom of the page.
  4. Check back throughout the competition to track the progress of each club and see how many of our families are taking the pledge!
  5. Important: You will only receive credit for the course if you complete it.

With your support, we can significantly enhance the gameday environment for players, referees, coaches, and spectators alike. Let’s come together to be part of this positive change in youth soccer and help lead the way in our community. We are fully committed to giving our players the best soccer experience possible, and we’re excited to see the positive impact we can all make—starting now!


Our Purpose

“Inspiring players and their love for the game”

Our Mission

To inspire through innovative and progressive programs driven by an unparalleled leadership team dedicated to the promotion of the players and community.

Our Core Values

Integrity, Inclusion, Empathy, Community

Benefits of Playing with Tennessee Soccer Academy

A positive, fun, and competitive environment where all players have the opportunity to develop an even greater love for the game. 

An innovative and progressive curriculum designed for player development that is overseen by an experienced, professionally licensed team of leaders.

Access to specialized skills programming, seasonal clinics, summer and winter camps, and tournaments led by professionally licensed staff.

Beautiful facilities professionally maintained offering safe and high-quality environments for all of our players to enjoy the game.