2024/25 Tryout Information

Tryouts are FREE, and we enthusiastically encourage all interested individuals to attend. Signing up for tryouts is conveniently done online through the provided links. It's important to double-check all information for accuracy, as we'll rely on it for communication throughout the process.

We kindly request that everyone arrives 15-20 minutes prior to their scheduled tryout time. Upon arrival, please check in your child to receive further instructions.

All players are required to bring a ball and an ample supply of water, as well as to wear a white or light-colored shirt, soccer cleats, and shin guards for all sessions. During tryout sessions, parents are strictly prohibited from entering the fields. We've observed that the tryout process can be less stressful for children when their parents are out of sight. However, we extend a warm invitation to all parents to observe from a distance, allowing them to witness the quality of our staff and program. We strongly encourage attendance at both tryout dates for each age group. It's straightforward: the more time we have to assess your child, the more accurate the evaluation will be.

If you are unable to attend a tryout or tryouts, please contact us @ sean@tnsocceracademy.com or call 901-603-1119.

2018-2017 Birth Years

Evaluations have concluded Still interested?

If you were unable to attend our Junior evaluations but are still interested in the program, kindly use the link below, and we will reach out to arrange a session for you.

2016-2006 Birth Years

Evaluations have concluded Still interested?

If you were unable to attend our evaluations but are still interested in the program, kindly use the link below, and we will reach out to arrange a session for you.


Forrest Street Park

Appling Soccer Complex

Tryout Tips

Tryouts can induce significant stress for both young athletes and their parents. However, alleviating some of this stress is possible through proper preparation. Below, you'll find tips on what coaches will be assessing, and what they won't, during tryouts, which can aid in better readiness for your child. Remember, your child's technical abilities won't magically improve during tryouts, but these suggestions can enhance their success in crucial areas.

Encourage your child to approach tryouts with a positive mindset, prepared to exert effort and enjoy the process. It's essential that parents avoid burdening their child with undue pressure, as this can hinder their performance. Your behavior before and during tryouts can significantly influence your child's demeanor and performance. If you display nervousness, they may mirror it. Overloading them with information on the way to tryouts can be distracting, as can constant pacing and observation during the tryout process. These actions could adversely affect their performance and detract from their enjoyment of the experience. Our recommendation is to discuss the tips below with your child beforehand, ensuring they understand the expectations, and then support them in working hard and, above all, having fun.

Positive Behaviors

  • Players who focus and listen to the coaches
  • Players who have a positive attitude
  • Players who are respectful and encouraging
  • Players who are always moving/running without being told
  • Players who always compete without being told
  • Players who will physically challenge for the ball
  • Players who want the ball
  • Players who are confident & creative with the ball
  • Players who always work hard to win the ball

Negative Behaviors

  • Players who do not listen to the coaches
  • Players who have a negative attitude
  • Players who are not respectful and encouraging
  • Players who are always standing around
  • Players who do not compete
  • Players who do not physically challenge for the ball
  • Players who do not want the ball
  • Players who avoid the ball
  • Players who do not work hard to win the ball


Tryout Synopsis

Tryouts are inclusive events, open to all. Our organization holds a US Soccer Sanction and is a current member of Tennessee Soccer. During tryouts, players are evaluated on their skill, athleticism, attitude, and overall ability. The formation of teams within each age group depends on the number of qualified players present.

Each tryout session is attended by at least one Academy staff coach and administrator, who are available to address any inquiries. It's important to note that selection for a team or specific coach is not guaranteed from year to year. Should a scheduling conflict arise, parents can explore alternative tryout opportunities.

Following tryouts, coaches aim to notify all participants of their status within 48 hours of the final session's conclusion, although some teams may require additional time for thorough roster decisions. Players are encouraged to attend all tryout sessions and communicate any conflicts with the coach or administrator.

Final player selections are made without bias, considering factors such as race, color, national origin, age, disability, genetic information, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, political beliefs, or financial status. The Academy Coaching Staff holds full authority over player evaluation and selection, with administrative support from Academy Administrators.

Team rosters are constructed according to the coach's assessment of each player's current level, recognizing that young players develop at varying rates. As players progress, teams may be reorganized to support accelerated development.

Our commitment is to form age-specific teams based on the number of qualified players, ensuring opportunities for all to engage in competitive soccer. In cases where there aren't enough qualified players for a complete team, options such as double-rostering or age combinations may be explored to facilitate participation in the competitive program.


Our Purpose

“Inspiring players and their love for the game”

Our Mission

To inspire through innovative and progressive programs driven by an unparalleled leadership team dedicated to the promotion of the players and community.

Our Core Values

Integrity, Inclusion, Empathy, Community

Benefits of Playing with Tennessee Soccer Academy

A positive, fun, and competitive environment where all players have the opportunity to develop an even greater love for the game. 

An innovative and progressive curriculum designed for player development that is overseen by an experienced, professionally licensed team of leaders.

Access to specialized skills programming, seasonal clinics, summer and winter camps, and tournaments led by professionally licensed staff.

Beautiful facilities professionally maintained offering safe and high-quality environments for all of our players to enjoy the game.

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